incorporates a number of features including:
Alarm Sounder Isolate Switch
Lamp Test Facility
Two Different types of simultaneous Alarm output:
Output A: - One 'common' 12V dc 1 AMP output to initiate waning sounders and lights. this output is designed to operate in the event of an electrical power failure for normally 6 hours.
Output B:- Volt free changeover contacts to initiate e.g. Infotel Model 30 automatic dialout unit or a radio paging system. This can be as a 'common' output for all channels or can be as one individual output per channel. These output circuits are designed on the fail-safe principal.
Delay - An integral adjustable alarm output delay of between 6 seconds to 2 minutes
on order to inhibit momentary alarms caused by e.g. electrical power 'dips'. other delay times are available
Input / Detection - Circuits are volt free, Normally closed Contact. Other Options are available
An optional Mains Electricity Failure Detector
Module can be added to monitor the power supply to the SPLITTER2.
Integral Alarm Isolate - This feature is for times when maintenance is being carried out or when alarms are
decommissioned. Alarms can be individually inhibited from producing an alert via an hidden button. For higher security requirements an optional Key switch can be fitted.
Power supply - The SPLITTER2 is fitted with an integral trickle charged battery backup-up power supply. This is designed to enable the SPLITTER to continue to operate to operate in
the event of loss of electrical power and hence still provide outputs to audible devices as well as e.g. M30 Automatic Telemetry alarm dialout units.