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Access Control

With Access Control you can control most standard types of internal/external electronic, magnetic door locks or releases. It will control your car park barriers, turnstiles, site entrance gates, roller/shutter doors or almost any other mechanism that provides physical security.
You will have total control over who is allowed access through any linked door at any time of any day. Sensitive or dangerous areas can be easily denied to those who do not have the appropriate security clearance.

It is simple to use, highly secure way of tackling the problem of keeping access to areas or buildings under control, as well as monitoring who is present. Advanced fail-safe features using Sentinel report communications links and hardware that may have failed for those 'very secure' installations or those with Health & Safety implications, such as coal mines and gas exploration

Access Control
Access Control Biometrics


Access Control exit devices
Access Control proximity


Access Control locks


Access Control Accessories

Exit Devices

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Packs Infotel Ltd, 1 Broomfield hall Buildings, London road, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0DP

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